Today’s Bike Of The Day was submitted by none other than Truth BMX Products co-owner Eric Spears!! This is his latest Truth Main Event built that he’ll be racing on this season! Yep My dude Eric is planning on hitting the BMX tracks more this season! Be sure to give this beauty a rating via the sliders below!

I am submitting my TRUTH main event for bike of the day. There’s no real inspiration for the build except I wanted to build the best bike that I have ever build for myself and this is it. I started out by removing the brake boss because I knew I was going disc brakes. I had decals remade time with my name for the added touch. I found a color that I really liked, this is a Suzuki color. My brother Tony surprised when we received our new order of TRUTH titanium Demon bars with a custom set for me with my daughter’s information who I loss on July,13 2022. That brought tears to my eyes after seeing these bars, Thank you Tony. I built up the wheels after deciding to go with carbon rims. I always build a bike and end up selling the frame because someone wants a frame, I would rather see someone else riding a TRUTH instead of me. Thank you Sugar Cayne for all that you do for the BMX community.
~Eric Spears/Truth BMX Products

- Frame: Truth main event aluminum 21.75
- Fork: Box x5
- Handlebars: Truth titanium demon Erica Spears model
- Grips: Truth
- Stem: Box
- Headset: Box
- Brake: Shimano 7100 disc brakes
- Disc: Outburst
- Tire: 20×1.75 Tioga fastr
- Headset: spacer Truth
- Seat clamp: Truth
- Cranks: Box Two M-30p
- Chain: ring Box
- Chain Ring Bolts: Truth
- Rims: Box carbon hex lab
- Hub: Box 20mm front 10mm rear, Box Titanium cog and lock ring
- Pedals: Outburst
- Seat/Post: Truth seat post/Tangent seat

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!!!New for 2022!! We’ll be starting every featured Bike Of The Day with a rating of 5 in each criteria. It’s gonna be a little harder to get a super high rating this year. CLICK HERE to see the Bike Of The Month Charts.
If you would like to get your bike featured as Bike Of The Day.
2. Send us some high quality photos (full and close up), a Full Parts List with a description about the inspiration for the build. You can also send sponsor shoutouts and any other details about your bike and involvement in the sport. CLICK HERE for more details on how you should send your photos
3. Email the photos, parts list, description and links to your website comments directly to su***********@gm***.com. If we like your submission, we’ll feature it. Any custom built BMX bike of any size and type are eligible. You can also submit dirt jumpers (Hard Tail Only)