Today’s Bike Of The Day is colorful 2022 Stranger Things Mongoose! William D submitted this one and he put a lotta thought and work into the build. Make sure you give this bike a rating for the Bike Of The Month and Bike Of The Year charts.

I wanted my dream bike from back when i was a kid in the 80’s since I’m 53 now
~William D

Part List:
- Re pop
- Old school lavender tear drop chain ring 44 tooth
- Old school 5 spoke spider bubble gum pink
- GT power series 3 piece crank powder coated white
- S&M sealed American BB
- GT PC pink peddals
- Merrit Perry Signature pink grips
- Odyssey Tech 77 locking white levers
- Lavender brake lever grips
- Lavender and white grro cables
- Generic gyro painted playboy blue
- Stock Stranger Things Mongoose (STM) Generic head set painted bubnlegum pink
- STM powdercoated lavender frame,powdercoated white old school handlebars ,powdercoated playboy blue/ white (two tone) brake calipers, hand painted green and blue
- acorn nuts
- Powder coated (STM) white seat post clamp and playboy blue repop laid back seat post and stem
- Hand painted bubblegum seat clamp
- Repop old school blue lightning bolt seat
- Hand painted aluminum (STM) mag wheels
- JW chain tensioner raw alumin
- Repop custom pink 1980’s Mongoose decals
- Merritt Theory Proven 20´´ x 2.4´´ rigid urban tyre
- (STM) yellow Mongoose pad set or Flite white Cal lifstyle pad set
- Hand painted rainbow chain

- !!!In an effort to keep the ratings more fair, Every featured Bike Of The Day starts with a rating of 5 in each criteria.
- NEW FOR 2024!!! Users will have to login to make a rating.
If you would like to get your bike featured as Bike Of The Day. CLICK HERE for all the submission information